Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I'm so MAD!!!!

We had to watch a movie for my communications class called "Mississippi Burning". It was about racism in the 1960s in the state.

When I was watching it, I got so mad!!! How can people be so hateful and evil? How can they take another man's life one day and the next go to church and worship to God?!??!?!?!?!?!?! How can they justify the taking of another human's life? How can they live with themselves?!?!?!?!

I am so MADDDDDDD right now!!! The racism shown in the movie went all the way up to the court system!! And because of the corrupt judges and police officers, they can get away with it!! It is just not right!!!!!

I know it was about an incident that happened on the 60s, but its still going on today, just much more subtle!!! Instead of whites shooting blacks, we have evil people doing hateful and hurtful SUBTLE things against others!!!

I am so thankful I am from Singapore where its not based on the colour of your skin but by your skills and perseverence!!!! I'm so thankful to God for blessing me with a racism-free childhood!!!!

What I hated the most was that the evil people were claiming Christ the whole time!! BLASPHEMY!!! Christ came to bring salvation to ALL!! He didn't set the conditions that you had to be blond with blue eyes!! He loved EVERYONE!!! And further more, Jesus wasn't blond with blue eyes!!!! He was born in the Middle East!!!!!

You know, if there was no Christ, what would be the meaning of life? With all the evil in this world, why are we even trying to live? It's only through Christ and His love and strength do we have meaning to live in this hateful world!!

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