Monday, October 31, 2005

New Web Home

Announcing the revealing of!! The brand new site for me!

Some of you are probably wondering why the switch. Well, let me explain.

1. I changed providers of my domain plan because they seemed to ALWAYS have downtimes, they didn't keep their promises of refunding me because of the downtimes and plus they were giving me not much value for the money i was spending.

2. This new domain provider is offering me MUCH MUCH more features for the same price. They seem to have a good reputation for not having many downtimes and they were very helpful with all my tech questions meaning good support.

3. I changed the name of my domain because the new plan was offering a free name and I thought it was time to switch to a name that could withstand many years. Dream into paradise will not be able to work 10 years from now, but deborah li can.

So let me know what you think?

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