Sunday, January 07, 2007

2007 is here. I'm back at School.

It's 7:21am and I'm wide awake. Something is wrong with this. Oh yes, jet lag. the wonders of it.

I'm back at school. Got back yesterday afternoon. The temperature is a sudden change from home, and I'm freezing. The buildings and multiple Asian faces are gone. Replaced are the American faces and vast spaces of empty land.

I'm doing ok. I miss my family and the comforts of home, but I'm also excited for this new semester. I'll be taking only 6 credits of classes and doing an internship with the Women's Resource Center in Grand Rapids, doing Marketing and Development. I'm looking forward to the challenges I will meet but am also scared because this is a different side of society I will be facing everyday. But good to have a bit of fear, so I won't be overconfident and stupid. It'll be an eye opening experience with ups and downs I'm sure, but I am confident that the Lord will be right there beside me, giving me the strength and wisdom I will need.

2 of my house mates are back. The rest will come today. I can't wait to see them and my other friends. 2007 has begun and I'm going to make sure it'll be a year where I grow deeper in the Lord and learn to give up my entire life to Him (definitely not going to happen in one year... its a long process.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're back! Yea! Sorry that I haven't gotten in touch with you over the holiday.

Hope things go well this semester ... take care! :O)