Monday, November 28, 2005

Thanksgiving in Chicago

It was an interesting 4 days in Chicago. It's a nice place to visit but would not want to stay there at all!!! Too depressing! All concrete, no trees and parks and greeneriess... I miss home!

So anyway, I went on Thursday morning, reaching there at noon time. Everything was closed for Thanksgiving, so I ate Subway for lunch and dinner since nothing was open. We just walked around town and got our bearings then went back to our hostel before it got too dark. It was spooky. No one on the streets... So odd for a big city like Chicago.

Then on Fri, we work up at 4am and left the hostel at 5am to line up at Sears in the FREEZING cold to go shopping! Wasn't my ideal way to wake up but my friend insisted on doing that coz Sears was giving a $10 gift card to the first 200 people in line... We were number 117 to 119. So waited outside the building for 45 minutes, trying to get warm and keep awake. We shopped the whole day after that... Walked around Chicago multiple times and for those who know how BIG Chicago is... that's a lot of miles to cover!! My feet hurt so bad at the end of the day.

Ok... hm... I'll cover the events of Sat and Sun tomorrow. too tired. bed time!

Oh and pictures of the trip are up at my photo album. Link on the left. Go check it out!

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