Thursday, March 16, 2006

Life Sucks right now, but its OK

I learnt a very valuable lesson today. Life may not go according to my plan, but its ok. God is always there.

Got my Commuications 160 Exam 2 paper back. Got a C-. Compared to my first exam where I got a A-, there's a big drop. I was so angry at myself. how could I have blanked out in the exam? What happened? I've never gotten a C- for any communication classes ever. I don't know why I was so upset. Throughout the whole class after, I could not concentrate and was feeling depressed.

After class, I rushed out of class and went to the Intl Student Lounge where I cried. Looking back, why was I crying over a C-? But in that moment, where I felt so crappy and lousy, I pleaded to the Lord to help me accept it and for His comfort.

And you know what? He responded instantly. Immediately, I felt a calmness and peace fill me. The tears dried up and even though my C- was still there, I felt ok. God is so good! He knew my hurt before I even told him and he hugged and held me while i cried.

Amazing Lord. Thank you God. you are so amazing

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