Here's wishing everyone a wonderful time with loved ones and a wonderful celebration of the greatest gift on Earth.
This Christmas, I pray that God will be ever real and close to you as you ponder and stand in awe of such amazing love and sacrifice for us, who are not worthy of such grace. Christmas is not about the gifts. It's about the love so powerful and great that we have no ability to fully realize its true magnitude. I pray this love will enter your heart and grow deep and lasting roots.
Merry Christmas and God's love.
May Gods presence be with you wherever you are
As we celebrate this beautiful season of love
May many of His blessing fall from above
May your heart be filled with His peace and his joy
As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Gods’ boy
May His love and His comfort
Make your heart whole
May His sweet Holy Spirit
Penetrate your soul
This christmas I ask Him
To keep you in His care
And bless all your loved ones
“My Christmas Prayer”
By Brenda Lewis