If you know me well, you know that I don't like to equate everything with spiritual warfare and the devil.
However, I now seriously am convinced that I am right now in spiritual warfare. Over the last few days, one bad thing has been hitting me after another. It seems like the minute I am calm about something, another thing comes up and punches me in my gut and my soul.
I have been going through a torrent of emotions, sadness, grieve, anger, frustration, disappointment and many more in just one day.
And you know what? I praise God for this. Yes, I praise God for the hard times and the punchese and kicks. I am not glad that I'm experiencing what I am experiencing now, but I still praise God for His love and grace and most of all PEACE.
Thinking on this, if these have happened to me a few years back, or even last year, I would be depressed and deeply troubled and will be in a negative frame of mind. However, I can see the Lord's hand in my life, especially over the last year. Even when I've been fighting Him all the way, He still loves me so much that He's been shaping and molding me into someone who trust in His peace and His strength. I can see this through me being able to rejoice in the simple joys of the day, without letting my troubles over cloud them.
I take no credit for my calmness and ability to think with a clear mind now. It is all God. He is the one who is helping me say the right words and think the right thoughts. If you know me, you'll also know that I tend to shoot my mouth off and saying the wrong things. But amazingly, when times were tense and the right words NEEDED to be said, it came out of my mind. God put it there. It's no way me. I'm not that good and wise, I'm not even close.
My heart may be troubled by the stuff I see around me and what I'm experiencing, but its a troubleness with calm and peace. It is knowing that when I try to tackle these stuff, God is there and carrying me on His strong shoulders and lovingly holding on tightly to me. He is never going to let me go.
God is soooo amazing. He convicted my heart to seek Him. All year, I've tried to jumpstart a daily devotional time with God. I've come up with grand schemes and plots to make these work. They never do. But one night, a quiet and also negligible thought came into my mind - "Start tonight." there was no plans, no plots, no schemes. Just a whisper from God and this time, amazingly, I listened.
and you know what? In just a few weeks of starting this every night before bed, I can feel His amazing peace in my heart and soul. the sense of God that I've been craving and searching for has come because I listened to that tiny whisper. God works wonders, and I thank Him daily now, for His wonders in my life.