Friday, January 27, 2006

Taking Credit where its not due

Don't you just hate it when someone takes credit where its not due? Especially when its YOUR credit they are taking? Well, someone did that to me.. and i found out by a close friend who was there at the time...

A feeling of indignation rose in me. Wqit a minute, that was MY idea! I did the work! ARGH!!!!!

Then it occurred to me, why am I feeling this way? Yes, she has "wronged" me, but its such a small thing and people will know... They will look down on her for it. So I don't need to let it get to me. I can just shake my head and shrug it away. People will always be doing this to me.. Get used to it! Let God deal with it.. Not worth my time to waste energy thinking about.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Please Pray

Just got back from the Movie "End of the Spear". It is a very moving movie that has started a lot of questions and thoughts in my head.

I need urgent prayer for one thing. I invited a non-Christian friend who has had unpleasant encounters with "Christians" to this movie. please pray that the movie will be used as a tool to spur some questions in her head, like "Why would people do this?" or "Why didn't they take revenge?". I pray that these thoughts will start or continue her on a journey to finding these answers and prayerfully, to the truth of the gospel. This journey may take years for her, but pls pray with me. :)

Saturday, January 21, 2006

New Semester, New Goals

Back to school and work work work!

Landed last Wed night, by the time I got back to campus - 12:15am, Thurs morning. slept at 12:30am. woke up at 8:30am to start my classes. First day - THREE assignments due in 2 days. 2nd day - FOUR assignments due in 3 days.... sigh... they must have collaborated to HELP me get over my jet lag faster!!! all those work!!

Anyway, tonight at 9:30pm going to see the movie End of the Spear with a whole bunch of people. Check it out at: It'll be fun!

Oh, I started this semester with a few new goals:

1. Wake up at least an hour before class start, instead of 30 mins... less rushing.
2. Spend more time talking to my roommates.
3. Get to know more people deeper.
4. Get to know the life stories of at least 2 people: Jesse and Gabriel.. from snippets I hear, their stories sound VERY interesting
5. Be more positive
6. Don't lose my temper. Keep cooolllllll.

Ok, so at the end of the semester, we'll see if I kept them... hmm

Friday, January 06, 2006

New Template

Like my new template? like it? like it?!?!?!

Aren't the cats sooo cuteeeeee.. hehehe

found this online.

So, comments?